Version History of Calculator Pro Copyright 2006-2010 by A. Richter, Date: 16.05.2010 Version: 2.04.013 LEGENDE: + New function - Removed error * Modified behavior Version 2.04.013 (release 16.05.2010) *** Total renewed version *** + added matrix calculations support + added complex numbers calculations support + added plotting routines for 1-dimensional, 2-dimensional diagrams as well as for simple animations + unit conversions possible - removed several bugs Version 2.00.051 (release 03.04.2007) - Corrected 1E+20 input problem, E as misinterpreted as the Eulers constante e Version 2.00.050 (release 27.09.2006) - Font Size Problem: All installed fonts are now selectable Version 2.00.047 (release 05.09.2006) - Internet-Update function (erroneous update version in message box) - Calculation output with ","-decimal sign Version 2.00.046 (release 04.09.2006) + Optional decimal sign "," + Hide advertisement + New icon in symbol bar: virtual keyboard + New command: Commands > Frequently asked Questions + New command: Commands > Donate for Calculator Pro - Translated option text (auto-update) * New Email for Feedback/Bug report * "Allways on top"-option on virtual keyboard applys now the virtual keyboard as well as the main window + Message after successful registration - Problem with hidding Calculator Pro on desktop and virtual keyboard stays on top - Back key symbol on virtual keyboard * Reduced menu font size Version 2.00.044 (release 26.08.2006) + Auto-Update Option, which checks optional at every program start for updates - Improved wrong menu items Open/Save text + Donate buttom on about window - Improved installation routine: default values into deftext-file Version 2.00.042 (release 21.03.2006) + Virtual keyboard + Angular dimension adjustable: RAD / DEG + Format for number output adjustable + Menu items for ALL available mathmatical functions + Shortcuts: ALT=command button, Ctrl+F7=edit constants + Status bar + Menu item Language, Print calculator content, Engineer Office Richter in the Web + Menu item View for selection of visible Calculator Pro parts * Improved addvertisement behaviour: RTF-based to Image-based - Improved manual - Removed some smaller bugs + Display Ins-key state in statusbar + Allways on top-function + Automatic internet update Version 2.00.008 (release 08.02.2006) + Multilingual Version: Languages German and English * Improved registration: Without user email + Advertisement area + Constants manager to add and modify user defined constants + Menu items: Save, Open and Clear calculator content; Settings - Removed some smaller bugs Version 1.02.020 (release 13.11.2005) - Improved installation routine: MS IE Service Pack 2 check for in 98 compatibility - Removed some smaller bugs Version 1.02.019 (release 21.01.2005) * Icons in symbol bar: Language icon removed - Removed registration error - Removed erroneous start up message - Impreved installation routine Version 1.02.016 (relasee 20.11.2004) + Added inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions - Completted manual + Menu items for functions, operators and constants Version 1.01.047 (release August 2004) First Release, only German Version and for WinXP